Kevin La

Frontend Developer.

I am a frontend developer with proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I have hands-on experience using the React framework and have a solid understanding of Node.js for back-end development.

Driven by my expertise in web development and my passion for creating intuitive and engaging applications, I bring a unique perspective to every project I undertake.



Circular Journeys Website

I led the development of the ecommerce page and added payment functionality to the website as a team project. I successfully integrated the Stripe API to provide a seamless payment experience for users.


User Management System - CRUD

I created a user-friendly system using Node.js that enables efficient management of user information. The system seamlessly allows for the addition, updating, and removal of users in the back-end.


Three Kindoms Chess

A three-player board game developed and published for Android on Google Play. The app was created using the Kotlin programming language.


Quick Currency App

A simple currency conversion app, utilizing the MVVM architecture. I used Moshi to handle and parse JSON data from an API.